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A Helicity-Based Method to Infer the CME Magnetic Field Magnitude in Sun and Geospace: Generalization and Extension to Sun-Like and M-Dwarf Stars and Implications for Exoplanet Habitability

机译:基于螺旋度的推断太阳CmE磁场强度的方法   和Geospace:对类太阳和m-矮星和星系的推广和推广   对太空行星可居住性的影响



Patsourakos et al. (Astrophys. J. 817, 14, 2016) and Patsourakos andGeorgoulis (Astron. Astrophys. 595, A121, 2016) introduced a method to inferthe axial magnetic field in flux-rope coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in thesolar corona and farther away in the interplanetary medium. The method, basedon the conservation principle of magnetic helicity, uses the relative magnetichelicity of the solar source region as input estimates, along with the radiusand length of the corresponding CME flux rope. The method was initially appliedto cylindrical force-free flux ropes, with encouraging results. We herebyextend our framework along two distinct lines. First, we generalize ourformalism to several possible flux-rope configurations (linear and nonlinearforce-free, non-force-free, spheromak, and torus) to investigate the dependenceof the resulting CME axial magnetic field on input parameters and the employedflux-rope configuration. Second, we generalize our framework to both Sun-likeand active M-dwarf stars hosting superflares. In a qualitative sense, we findthat Earth may not experience severe atmosphere-eroding magnetosphericcompression even for eruptive solar superflares with energies ~ 10^4 timeshigher than those of the largest Geostationary Operational EnvironmentalSatellite (GOES) X-class flares currently observed. In addition, the tworecently discovered exoplanets with the highest Earth-similarity index, Kepler438b and Proxima b, seem to lie in the prohibitive zone of atmospheric erosiondue to interplanetary CMEs (ICMEs), except when they possess planetary magneticfields that are much higher than that of Earth.
机译:Patsourakos等。 (Astrophys。J. 817,14,2016)和Patsourakos and Georgoulis(Astron。Astrophys。595,A121,2016)引入了一种推断日冕中更远的日冕磁冠质量抛射(CME)中的轴向磁场的方法。行星际介质。该方法基于磁螺旋的守恒原理,将太阳能源区域的相对磁螺旋作为输入估计值以及相应的CME磁通量绳的半径和长度。该方法最初应用于圆柱形无力通量绳,结果令人鼓舞。在此,我们沿着两个不同的方面扩展了我们的框架。首先,我们将形式主义归纳为几种可能的磁通线配置(线性和非线性无力,非无力,球形和圆环面),以研究所得CME轴向磁场对输入参数和所采用的磁通线配置的依赖性。其次,我们将我们的框架推广到拥有超耀斑的类太阳恒星和活跃的M型矮星。从质的意义上讲,我们发现,即使爆发的太阳超耀斑的能量比目前观测到的最大对地静止卫星运行环境卫星(GOES)X级耀斑高约10 ^ 4倍,地球也可能不会经历严重的侵蚀大气的磁层压缩。此外,最近发现的两个具有最高地球相似指数的系外行星Kepler438b和Proxima b似乎位于由于行星际CME(ICME)引起的大气侵蚀的禁区中,除非它们的行星磁场远高于行星际CME。地球。



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